Region IV | ||
Region Announcements and News
A note from Past International Director Ken Tanner.
Hi everyone,
I've compiled the first set of the regular Performance trends for the 2009-2010 year, covering the Districts in our Region based on the Toastmasters International Web site information. They have now been posted to the Region IV Website. They are located at You can click on the Performance Trends link on the right edge column, or go directly to the Performance Trends at:
For those receiving ‘news’ of this for the first time, I've been providing these Performance trends analysis around the Region for many years at the pleasure of the Directors and Officers of the Districts in our Region, and will continue each month through the year.
I don’t usually send out an email to let you know when new Trends reports have been posted – I just trust you’ll check back to the Region IV website monthly to take a look for the details.
I trust these continue to be useful. If you have any suggestion on what would make these trends reports more useful, please let Directors Lyle Appleyard or Theo Black, or myself know. Have a great year everyone.
Ken Tanner, DTM
Past International Director, Region IV 1986-88
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Read This Letter From Immediate Past International Director Judy Southwick.
Dear District Leaders,
Thank you!
The Mashantucket Convention is now just a wonderful memory. There were so many special highlights for me.
From behind the stage, waiting my turn to announce, I could hear your voices loud and clear, “Region IV, Hear Us Roar.” I smiled to myself as I recalled the visionary bus ride we all took at Mid Winter arriving in Mashantucket. Seeing five Districts accept their Distinguished plaques, and District 78 receiving theirs for the very first time was fabulous! I watched all of you from back stage on the big screen and it was very emotional for me. I was so proud of your hard work and the subsequent results. I know some of you decided you had a good chance of making the goal at Regional and then pursued it even harder.
Another highlight was Greg and Cliff each receiving a well deserved Presidential Citation. Both of you have done so much for all of us due to your involvement in Toastmasters.
My roast was certainly a highlight. I thank all of you for your creative memories and gifts. Each of you is so special to me and you provided a fun, touching close to my two year assignment. Thank you for the honor of supporting your Districts. I hope each of the teams continues its success. Once you’ve been on stage, it will keep calling you back. Work hard, work well together and next year, you’ll hear us Roar Some More!
Thank you again for two great years together,
Judy Southwick, Past International Director
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Listen to this International Convention podcast featuring District 42 LGET Greg Gazin.