Region 4 Member Payment Projections (2023-2024)
The following serves as a projection of June 30th Member Payment (Month by Month) totals,
based upon current status, and past 4 years trends
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Acutal Member Payment Month end total 10731 11301 11563 11943 12410 12826 22814 23397
             (Oct through Mar excludes any Apr payments)
4 year Average New Members per Month
November 277              
December 205 205            
January 306 306 306          
February 373 373 373 373        
March 339 339 339 339 339      
Projected March 31 Member Payment total 12231 12524 12581 12655 12749 12826    
Average Semi Annual renewals 9112 9330 9373 9428 9498 9555    
 (April to June 74.5% of March 31)
4 year Average New Members Per Month
April 707 707 707 707 707 707    
May 295 295 295 295 295 295 295  
June 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511
Projected Total 22856 23367 23467 23596 23760 23894 23620 23908
Member Payment Goal (Distinguished District) 24039 24041 24042 24042 24042 24042 24042 24042
Projected Member Payment Over Goal (1183) (674) (575) (446) (282) (148) (422) (134)
(Under Goal)
Projected Percent of Goal Achieved 95% 97% 98% 98% 99% 99% 98% 99%
Additional Projections to add to arrive at Final June 30 projected value
For October 31 to March 31
* add total member payments from Oct 1 unpaid clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
* add total member payments from New Clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
(yet to charter prior to March 31)
* add 74.5% of prior two lines     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
For April 1 to June 30
* add total member payments from Apr 1 unpaid clubs                 ?     ?
* add total member payments for new Clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?
(expected to charter in April, May and June)
Final Projected June 30 total     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?