District 106 Member Payment Projections (2023-2024)
The following serves as a projection of June 30th Member Payment (Month by Month) totals,
based upon current status, and past 4 years trends
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Acutal Member Payment Month end total 1258 1334 1353 1388 1424 1465 2569 2619
             (Oct through Mar excludes any Apr payments)
4 year Average New Members per Month
November 29              
December 21 21            
January 31 31 31          
February 43 43 43 43        
March 42 42 42 42 42      
Projected March 31 Member Payment total 1424 1471 1469 1473 1466 1465    
Average Semi Annual renewals 1079 1115 1114 1117 1111 1110    
 (April to June 75.8% of March 31)
4 year Average New Members Per Month
April 78 78 78 78 78 78    
May 32 32 32 32 32 32 32  
June 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81
Projected Total 2694 2777 2774 2781 2768 2766 2682 2700
Member Payment Goal (Distinguished District) 3045 3045 3045 3045 3045 3045 3045 3045
Projected Member Payment Over Goal (351) (268) (271) (264) (277) (279) (363) (345)
(Under Goal)
Projected Percent of Goal Achieved 88% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 88% 89%
Additional Projections to add to arrive at Final June 30 projected value
For October 31 to March 31
* add total member payments from Oct 1 unpaid clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
* add total member payments from New Clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
(yet to charter prior to March 31)
* add 75.8% of prior two lines     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?      
For April 1 to June 30
* add total member payments from Apr 1 unpaid clubs                 ?     ?
* add total member payments for new Clubs     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?
(expected to charter in April, May and June)
Final Projected June 30 total     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?     ?